Breaking and Entering! Police called to Violent Narrowboater!
We almost get halted as a narrowboater tries breaking and entering a damaged lock, then get's violent, resulting in the Police being...
Narrowboat TERROR on the Tidal Thames! Limehouse to Brentford.
Join us for some narrowboat terror on the Tidal Thames as we head from Limehouse to Brentford! (hopefully without sinking!). In Part...
Tidal River Thames - Teddington to Limehouse by Narrowboat
It's our biggest challenge yet, tackling London's Tidal River Thames travelling from Teddington to Limehouse by narrowboat. One of the...
History and Two Royal Palaces on the River Thames by Narrowboat
We uncover ancient history and two Royal palaces on the River Thames by narrowboat. Leaving our mooring at Windsor and Eton we pass the...