We Had Some Laughs but Life Moves On!
With Shaun's big birthday approaching, we remember some of laughs we had during our time on narrowboat Silver Fox. A lot of people asked...

CRAZY Snowfall Buries Our Croft under a FOOT of Snow!
Our croft is buried under a foot of snow, endangering our chickens, bees, and Eurasian Eagle Owl, Sherlock. Find out how we cope in the...

Our Croft Got FLOODED!
Our croft gets flooded after months of heavy rain and a blocked drain. Colin heads out in his wellies to try and find the blockage....

Planning our 2024 Wedding! Your Questions.
After announcing our upcoming wedding next summer, we received a LOT of questions about the big day. Here are some of the most common...

We're Getting Married and YOU'RE INVITED!
We're getting married and you're invited! After being together for over thirty years, Shaun and Colin are finally getting married in a...

How YouTube Changed Our Relationship. RAW, UNCUT, UNEDITED!
Raw, uncut, and un-edited, we reflect on how six years of being Foxes Afloat has changed our relationship. In this honest conversation,...

They RUINED Our Croft! 😫
The recent bad weather has ruined part of our croft, so we have to take action to maintain a safe space for our chickens, and ensure...

Will My Bees FREEZE To Death? 🐝
Another FREEZING winter arrives and it's time to try and stop my one-million bees from freezing to death. Find you how I'll improve the...

Moving to the Highlands - Was It Worth It?
Two years ago, we left our narrowboat, Silver Fox, and moved to the Highlands of Scotland to give crofting a go and leave civilisation...

Can our Croft Survive the Highland Winter?
After the floods and storms, we make preparations for another Highland winter up on our Scottish Croft in the far north Highlands. We...